Monday, October 27, 2008

Tour de Togo Online

PLease visit this link for all things Tour de Togo (TdT)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Hey guys,

First (ever) FPYC Mountain Bike WeekendSeptember 26-28

I've heard from some of you - some can come / others sending regrets.

Please let me know your ententions!

Here's a link to the Tentative Agenda

Some people will make it in later Friday evening, so we're not planning aserved meal then - plan accordingly. Maybe Effie? At this point, bring a little money for Dinner Saturday evening, and a smalldonation for camp. Not sure what our food costs will be like as this is kindof a first try for me planning one of these. ~$25

Don't forget: Helmet, riding garb, glasses, water bottles, etc. Hopefully the bugs will be kaput and the fall colors ubber awesome.


-Kent651-734-0521 (If you have any questions.)

Planned activities:

a.. Rake and Ride - trail building.

b.. Bike the Hike

c.. Tune-ups

d.. Fellowship

e.. Thistledew Trail exploration

Sunday, August 17, 2008

TDT 2008 and 2009 Preview

TDT08 – Sweeeeet… and Sour
The tour is over and now camp is over too. As the girls reconnect at Super Nanza this weekend, I’ve decided it’s time to get a little blurb out there about how the tour went this year. Well,… awful and great. So, let’s talk about next year. Ok, ok stay tuned for talk of TdT09.

I say awful as we just didn’t see the massive turnout we’ve coming to expect each year. We fell short of our rider goal and short of last year’s tour size. In fact, you have to go back to the 2000 tour to find a pack so small. We only had four rookies (I’m blaming the rookies here). So we’re really going to have to turn up the volume for next year.

I say great because for a tour so small in riders, only one other tour in our 17 year history has raised more funds for Flaming Pine. Yep, we rolled up over 14 thousand for the camp in total pledges. Even when we calculate in the expenses of putting on the tour, we were blessed with an awesome result. Leading the way were the usual suspects, Allen Keller, Stan Due, Linda Barnacle, and Robert Pappas. Robert brought in over 45 hundred just him. Yikes.

I say awful as we had our first broken bone of the tour, ever. Stan Due shouldered into a ditch and the ditch won - Broken Clavicle, a.k.a. collar bone. This is a painful injury which takes a long time to heal so, no pats on the back or hardy hand shakes for Stan for the time being. Talked to him tonight and he says he’s about 50% back.

I say great because we put on a really quality event with lots of rider goodies and we didn’t break the bank. Only 6% of tour proceeds went toward expenses. Very few charity bicycle events can make that claim. And even with such a slim margin we offered riders a lot of value for their efforts, including a full custom cycling jersey.

We had lots of support of the corporate variety too. Trader Joes gave us hundreds of dollars in bananas, bars, and bottled water. Dunn Brothers sent coffee and cash. PowerBar put their top-notch performance eats and drink in our support vehicles. Panera Bread Co. of Woodbury offered five dozen fresh hot bagels to kick things off. The Deacons of the Woodbury church of Christ bought space on our jersey and put Ephesians 2:10 on our shoulders. Thanks also to Target Greatland of Woodbury for the $25 gift card and Penn Cycle for the pack of 15% off coupons (I still have some).

Our support drivers were really great this year. So great we married one of them off! Dawn Eichers, Bill Barnacle, Joanne Nading, and Crystal Parks (the bride driver) did an outstanding job keeping our bottles filled, our spirits up, and everyone heading in the right direction.

Thanks to all the husbands, wives, and families who let us do this intensely fun event and especially my wife who puts up with my constant musing over each little detail.

Thanks finally and above all to God our Father, who gave us life and breath and wheels.


Tour Jerseys Available
There’s still time to help Camp though the 08 tour. We have about a dozen Cycling Jerseys left. We want to turn them into cash for camp, so the entire $40 price goes 100% directly to FPYC. They are good looking and top-shelf bicycling quality with 3 pockets in the back and a ¾ length hidden zipper in the front. Sizes are a bit limited so please drop me an email soon.

Interested in steering the entire tour in a new direction? We’re thinking ahead to next year and that thinking is outside the box. There’s a SURVEY underway which is revealing some interesting ideas on the route for next year. Get a map
and dream with us. You don’t have to be a tour veteran to participate – we want to hear from next year’s rookies too.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Tour De Togo Survey

Hey All,

Have a little fun and dream about a way cool route for the 2009 tour. Take the SURVEY and put your spin on the tour for next year.

Thanks so much!


PS: Yes, we still have some Jerseys to sell.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Heartfelt plea for the Tour De Togo

Hey everyone,
Just over two weeks to go:
a.. We are running way behind where we want to be for riders.
a.. Please re- re- double your efforts to find more Riders.
a.. The feast is ready, go out in the alleys and back-roads and find moreguests!
Thanks so much!


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Teachers Needed

Brett Osborne is looking for a few more teachers for 2nd Family camp...namely cradle roll, 2's and 3's and 4-6th grade. Please email him at or call 218-724-5341 if interested. Thanks!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tour De Togo 2008

Hey everyone,

As we struggle to rid ourselves of snow and ice and all things wintry, it's exciting to start thinking about summer, and when it comes to summer, few things are as exciting as the Tour de Togo Benefit Bicycle Ride.

You should try it this year.

No really, hear me out. This event has a great purpose and is truly doable for most anyone who puts their mind to it. It's no race, just a fun tour with friends. A tour means seeing new things and new places. Besides the scenery, there's seeing for yourself what you can accomplish. We've had very young riders do this distance, and very old as well - both amaze us and remind us how much God can do through us if we'll let Him talk us into it.

The funds we raise for Flaming Pine Youth Camp will be used to teach children about Jesus. The camp is so far away from the big city - it's just the right place to push aside the cares of our modern age and focus on what God has done. Riding to camp while helping the good mission of FPYC is just a side benefit - gravy.

And if that weren't enough, riding for and giving to the camp comes with such additional blessings. Great fellowship, ample food, support, personal challenge, encouragement, even fun and prizes.

Mark July 25, 26, and 27 on your calendars right now!

Online registration has now been opened - CLICK HERE!

An exclusive for TDT2008 - a top-secret full custom Rider's Jersey. Believe me, it looks awesome. If you remember 2004's jersey, I think this one's even better. I am seeking corporate sponsorships so if you have someone in mind, please let me know. In fact, Mark Spoto's Dunn Bros Coffee shop (Woodbury) has signed on as a sponsor. Be sure and thank him and get a great cup of coffee while you're there. I am in talks with other potential sponsors, so stay tuned.

To encourage new riders, the tour will once again offer gifts of appreciation to those who recruit new riders. We had 14 rookies last year - ah the fun we had with Pam and Billy. The tour is always looking for new people to give it a try. We get so many back year after year - it really is the way to grow the tour.

Please, feel free to contact me with questions. I can be even more convincing in person.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bible Bowl 2008

Minnesota Bible Bowl 2008

The Woodbury congregation would like to invite all to compete in the 2008 Bible Bowl to be held, Lord willing, at the Woodbury building on Saturday April 12th.

Fellowship begins at 8:00 a.m. with donuts and Coffee.

Competition starts at 9:00 a.m.

The Gospel of Mark will be our text. Questions will be worded using the NIV.

We hope to once again award the winning team members in Youth, Junior, and Senior divisions with FPYC Campership Certificates valued at $100 each.

We have shortened the study time and chosen a manageable text in hopes of encouraging wider participation at all age levels. We hope to have some new and interesting question formats and even some fun audience participation elements.

We will again be making the John Kimbrough study guides available to interested teams. These study guides supply many questions to sharpen Bible knowledge - It makes coaching a team just that much easier and saves a lot of time.

For those traveling greater distances, we can arrange for Friday evening accommodations - please let us know your needs in this area.

Please send ideas that you feel would make Bible Bowl more exciting, valuable, and enduring as a tool in God's hands.

Please! We need to know of your interest to prepare and send teams. In recent years, there has been a gradual decline in the number of teams and spectators. We fear that without your congregation's involvement, Bible Bowl will not continue as a special annual event that challenges young and old to dig into God's word and demonstrate knowledge of the scriptures.

We need to hear from you by February 1st.

Will your congregation be represented by at least one team? More?

It is our intent to put together a quality event and we do want to see Bible Bowl continue well into the future. This could be a pivotal year for this event. We need your teams and your commitment to come to help the Minnesota Bible Bowl thrive.

More information will be coming soon with many details concerning team composition, rules of play, bracket format, scoring, and much more.

Please! Encourage us with word of your interest and anticipation for Bible Bowl 2008.

Thanks much,

Kent Davidson
Bible Bowl Guy

Brenda Williams
Bible Bowl Gal

FPYC Auction Sets Record!

Cash and checks collected for food, rolls, and auction items: $14,333
Yet to be paid: $825
Software donated to sell on eBay: $3400

Grand total: $18,558

What a great response this year from the supporters of camp. What a
blessing! Thanks for all your effort Paul, Brett, and Barry (and a lot
of others).
Many of you know Mike Newman from Togo. As a refresher, he is the camp's cement "guy". Mike has done the cement work for the girls' cabins, the lodge, the boiler building, the front addition to the caretaker's house, the shop, the shower house, and various cement slabs and repairs around camp. Always at a very fair price, because of the serving that is done here. He has also just left his equipment here for our use at different times. Mike stopped in just before Christmas to
tell us about his granddaughter.

Jolee is six. She has been diagnosed with rhabdomyomassarcoma, a cancer that has allowed a fast-growing tumor to take over her entire right eyelid. She has started 26 weeks of chemotherapy at St. Mary's in Duluth and in March, she will begin radiation therapy every day in Duluth for 5 weeks. She lives in Hibbing with her parents and 4 year-old twin brothers. In order bring Jolee to Duluth every day, her
father has taken all his sick days, vacations, and his fellow workers have donated theirs.

There is going to be a benefit raffle in Hibbing on the 19th of January to help defray the growing costs. They are asking for donated items for the raffle. We realize that it would be hard for anyone, or any church, to bring an item for the raffle. But as an outreach to the Flaming Pine
Youth Camp community would anyone or group be interested in donating funds? It could be written to FPYC, then in turn sent on to the family as one donation.

Thank you,

-Donald & Rebecca Bartch

[I believe the Northern Lights congregation is hosting a "SweetHeart Dinner" on
February 9th, 6 pm at their building with all proceeds to support the Howell
family with medical expenses. For more information call 763-494-4224 -
register by February 6th.]