Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bible Bowl 2008

Minnesota Bible Bowl 2008

The Woodbury congregation would like to invite all to compete in the 2008 Bible Bowl to be held, Lord willing, at the Woodbury building on Saturday April 12th.

Fellowship begins at 8:00 a.m. with donuts and Coffee.

Competition starts at 9:00 a.m.

The Gospel of Mark will be our text. Questions will be worded using the NIV.

We hope to once again award the winning team members in Youth, Junior, and Senior divisions with FPYC Campership Certificates valued at $100 each.

We have shortened the study time and chosen a manageable text in hopes of encouraging wider participation at all age levels. We hope to have some new and interesting question formats and even some fun audience participation elements.

We will again be making the John Kimbrough study guides available to interested teams. These study guides supply many questions to sharpen Bible knowledge - It makes coaching a team just that much easier and saves a lot of time.

For those traveling greater distances, we can arrange for Friday evening accommodations - please let us know your needs in this area.

Please send ideas that you feel would make Bible Bowl more exciting, valuable, and enduring as a tool in God's hands.

Please! We need to know of your interest to prepare and send teams. In recent years, there has been a gradual decline in the number of teams and spectators. We fear that without your congregation's involvement, Bible Bowl will not continue as a special annual event that challenges young and old to dig into God's word and demonstrate knowledge of the scriptures.

We need to hear from you by February 1st.

Will your congregation be represented by at least one team? More?

It is our intent to put together a quality event and we do want to see Bible Bowl continue well into the future. This could be a pivotal year for this event. We need your teams and your commitment to come to help the Minnesota Bible Bowl thrive.

More information will be coming soon with many details concerning team composition, rules of play, bracket format, scoring, and much more.

Please! Encourage us with word of your interest and anticipation for Bible Bowl 2008.

Thanks much,

Kent Davidson
Bible Bowl Guy

Brenda Williams
Bible Bowl Gal

FPYC Auction Sets Record!

Cash and checks collected for food, rolls, and auction items: $14,333
Yet to be paid: $825
Software donated to sell on eBay: $3400

Grand total: $18,558

What a great response this year from the supporters of camp. What a
blessing! Thanks for all your effort Paul, Brett, and Barry (and a lot
of others).
Many of you know Mike Newman from Togo. As a refresher, he is the camp's cement "guy". Mike has done the cement work for the girls' cabins, the lodge, the boiler building, the front addition to the caretaker's house, the shop, the shower house, and various cement slabs and repairs around camp. Always at a very fair price, because of the serving that is done here. He has also just left his equipment here for our use at different times. Mike stopped in just before Christmas to
tell us about his granddaughter.

Jolee is six. She has been diagnosed with rhabdomyomassarcoma, a cancer that has allowed a fast-growing tumor to take over her entire right eyelid. She has started 26 weeks of chemotherapy at St. Mary's in Duluth and in March, she will begin radiation therapy every day in Duluth for 5 weeks. She lives in Hibbing with her parents and 4 year-old twin brothers. In order bring Jolee to Duluth every day, her
father has taken all his sick days, vacations, and his fellow workers have donated theirs.

There is going to be a benefit raffle in Hibbing on the 19th of January to help defray the growing costs. They are asking for donated items for the raffle. We realize that it would be hard for anyone, or any church, to bring an item for the raffle. But as an outreach to the Flaming Pine
Youth Camp community would anyone or group be interested in donating funds? It could be written to FPYC, then in turn sent on to the family as one donation.

Thank you,

-Donald & Rebecca Bartch

[I believe the Northern Lights congregation is hosting a "SweetHeart Dinner" on
February 9th, 6 pm at their building with all proceeds to support the Howell
family with medical expenses. For more information call 763-494-4224 -
register by February 6th.]