Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The 10 Mile Hike #1 - The Fire Tower

For Flaming Pine veterans, the fire tower holds a special place in our memories. Once upon a time, the "10 mile hike" inlcuded a stop at the fire tower. Just after a stop for water at Thistledew Lake, we would make our way up to the fire tower. Not only would we go to the fire tower, we would ascend to the top of the fire tower.

As a parent of two kids , the thought of sending children up to the top a rickety old fire tower always in need of repairs kind of puts a shiver up my spine. At the same time I really wish I had the chance to take my kids up to the top and see for miles and miles the expansive deep green forest broken only by the occasional blue of the lakes.

I remember the feeling as a kid climbing the stairs (there was always one or two missing requiring an extra big stretch of the legs), a feeling of adventure, fear and excitement wrapped together. The sway of the tower in the wind could not be avoided. The best part was finally getting to the top platform and standing to see the view that was so much earned for the long and winding climb.

There must be some kind of life lesson in this experience. Hard work toward an exciting and rsioky goal reaps great rewards - something like that.

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